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Submissions are


W O R D S   W O R D S   W O R D S 

Big news, playwrights: The Dinosaur Factory is accepting submissions for upcoming readings! We’re specifically looking for plays that are “almost there” but need a nudge from some eyes and a vocal audience— Plays for which you have goals for what you’d like to learn about through this process.

“Hey, Dinos,” you ask, “What kind of plays are you looking for?”


These kinds! Including, but not limited to:

-Absurd comedies about feeeeeelings.
-Rom-coms with dramatic layers.
-Stories that will break your heart and/or work your brain.
-Sci-fi and fantasy elements welcome! (Because they’re really metaphors)
-Dubious moral conundrums.
-Devastating realizations
-Stories that seem like they would be told by a theatre company that named itself something such as… you know… “The Dinosaur Factory.”


We provide:
-Casting and a director (but if you have specific actors in mind, that’s great, too!)
-3 rehearsals.
-A free public reading with an audience.
-A facilitated post-reading discussion.


Submit via the Google form linked HERE, or email

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